How To Get Rid Of Your Dogs Bad Breath 2023

Get Rid Of Your Dogs Bad Breath

How To Get Rid Of Your Dogs Bad Breath? It is a very common questions among canine parents when they notice Sudden bad breath in dogs. Dog’s Bad breath is quite common in canines especially when they get older, but it should be taken seriously as it might be a sign of serious health issues. In these following lines we will discuss the most important causes of dog’s bad breath, how to get rid of it and answering many questions about this issue.

Causes of dog's bad breath

How To Get Rid Of Your Dog’s Bad Breath

Here are some causes of the most common ones that leads to building up a dog’s bad breath:

1. Oral Health Issues (Dental or Gum Disease)

Oral health issues are the most common cause of dog’s bad breath, there are many oral issues that can cause Puppy bad breath starting from teeth abnormalities to oral infections. As in humans, dogs can have teeth abnormalities such as crowded teeth or crooked, misaligned teeth that make your pet more susceptible to secondary dental disease. Also leaving food debris not cleaned leads to building forms of plaque that leads to building tartar. Meaning overgrowth of bacteria in dog’s month leading to gingivitis (gum inflammation)

And with the evolution of this tartar it will allow building much hair and other debris that get stuck between dog gum line. that all mentioned will lead to developing dog’s bad breath..

If your dog’s breath continues to be bad, it is likely a sign of an emerging oral health issue and if not checked and treated as soon as possible, the smell will become stronger and the dog’s oral health and also wellbeing will go down. 

2. Kidney disease 

There are many Causes of bad breath in dogs other than teeth including Kidney Disease. As known, the kidney is considered the body’s filtration system That is responsible for Ridding the body of toxins. But in case of kidney failure or even 

underlying kidney disease, it can’t filter the body toxins meaning that the body will build up toxins in dogs blood that are called urea. urea makes a dog’s bad breath that is like ammonia or urine. That can be turned to Case called uremia refers to accumulation of Excessive urea in blood which is serious kidney dysfunction needed for rapid intervention for treatment.

3. Liver Disease

A dog’s bad breath can also result from Liver disease. The liver also acts with Kidney and other body systems for filtering the body’s toxins. If your dog has a problem with liver, the toxins will build up in the dog body, leading to bad breath.

In this case You can note some other signs on your dog like 

 yellowing of the eyes or skin (jaundice) that accompanied with weight loss, poor appetite of your dog, and vomiting. These signs refer to liver dysfunction.

4. Diabetes

If your dog suffers from diabetes and it is not regulated or well treated for a long enough period, the dog’s body will start breaking down fat, resulting in creating molecules called ketone bodies. In this case of producing ketones, dogs will have an acetone smell breath or sometimes a sweet smell breath. Dogs with diabetes have other signs that insure affection with diabetes such as increased thirst, changes in appetite, weight loss, and frequent urination.

5. Something Stuck in Dog’s Mouth 

If Things like bone, stick, and any foreign body (parts of toys, ropes and clothes) are stuck in Dog’s mouth, it can cause mouth infection and lead to the dog’s bad breath.

6. Gut problems 

If there is a gut infection or gut blockage it will often cause the dog’s bad breath. In this case bad breath does not come from the mouth but in this case Dogs bad breath from stomach and intestines. You can also notice some other signs before  the bad breath such as vomiting, or diarrhoea. Also there is a direct relation between Excessive licking and bad breath in dogs as it can result in Gastrointestinal issues lead to creating excess gases in GI tract resulting in bad breath smell.

7. Oral cancer and tumors 

Dog bad breath cancer is one of the causes of dog’s bad breath. There are Many different tumors that occur in the mouths of dogs, all of them have similar clinical symptoms.The most common tumor in dogs is melanoma, Dogs with oral melanoma  experience blood in the saliva, difficult chewing, swallowing, and low appetite. Anytime you notice the above signs, appearance of a lump or bump in dog mouth, you should immediately consult your veterinarian.

How To Get Rid Of Your Dogs Bad Breath?

Dog’s bad breath is a sign of an underlying health issue and not a health problem itself. So Treatment of dog’s bad breath 

basically depends on the real cause of bad breath. As every case will get certainTreating steps and medications based on underlying health conditions to be successfully treated.

So whenever you notice any change in the smell of the dog’s breath, you shouldn’t ignore That and Bring your dog to your vet for examination and diagnosis as soon as possible to avoid any health complications since many causes of dog’s bad breath result from very serious health issues. Your vet is the only one who will be able to guide you on the best course of treatment suitable for your dog’s health.

Dog bad breath remedy

Treatments at your vets are usually certain medications, specialized diets, and even surgeries in some cases.

How can I help my dog to get rid of bad breath?

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath In Dogs

Although you can’t treat serious health issues such as kidney or liver dysfunction alone at your home, you can help to treat and prevent a dog’s bad breath by ensuring that you give your dog enough routine of oral hygiene care. 

Here are some other tips for improving your dog’s oral health and preventing development of dog’s bad breath:

1. Regular teeth Brushing 

Dogs’ teeth should be regularly brushed with canine toothpaste to protect teeth and prevent plaque formation. You can choose from Many dog toothpastes that are flavored to be enticing for dogs. But don’t use human toothpaste as it contains substances that are harmful for dogs.

2. special veterinary dental diet

You should Buy a special veterinary dental diet that helps in removing plaque and bacteria from the dog’s mouth, keeping breath smelling sweet and lessening the dog’s bad breath.

3. nice dental chews

You should buy some nice dental chews for your dog either from the vet or from online stores. They will help your dog in cleaning its mouth and preventing bacterial growth. Chewing is best for preventing plaque and tartar formation and relieves boredom. It keeps your dog more healthy and happy, but make sure you choose the dog chew toys suitable for your dog’s age and size.

4. Choose healthy food diets

Make sure to provide healthy meals and stay away from foods that may harm your dog’s teeth. Reward your dog with  normal food instead of giving sugary treats that are not best for his teeth.

5. Take care of general health

Prevent internal organ failure throughTaking care of the general health of your dog. constantly following up on his health condition and periodic medical examination at the veterinarian to avoid any health problems that may cause the dog’s bad breath.


We have covered some important information about dog’s bad breath ranging from main causes of this issue followed by dog’s bad breath remedies And the important tips for getting rid of it. We advise you if your dog has a Bad breath smell to go to your vet to avoid any further complications. Hope these article useful for you.


What about Dog bad breath remedy yogurt?

Some research has found 

that the active, good bacteria found in the yogurt and probiotics is working better for stinky breath through killing odor-causing bacteria that found in dog’s mouth. Also 

Good bacteria can help in improving digestive and many other health issues. So you can give your dog Yogurt or other Probiotic Supplements.

How to feed dogs with bad breath?

You can feed your dog with some specific foods that help in getting rid of bad breath. Just give your dog small pieces of these foods and supervise well to avoid choking. These are some foods That are good for dogs’ bad breath.


Carrot is a crunchy snack for dogs which helps in reducing  the build-up of plaque and tartar causing dog’s bad breath.

Cucumber slices

Cucumbers are also crunchy snacks that rub and clean dog’s teeth. It also contains nutrients that can naturally freshen dogs’ bad breath.

Apple slices

Apples contain malic acid, which prevents bad breath in dogs. be sure not to feed the apple’s seeds to your dog, as they are so harmful to dogs.


Feed your dog a small amount of mint leaves that can refresh the dog’s breath.

What  causes Dog breath smell like fish?

Sometimes you will notice a dog’s bad breath smell like fish, it can’t be definitely a sign of illness. As some canine meals are based on Derivatives of fish products. Try to stop feeding your dog these meals and the fish smell will disappear.

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